Here is our complete PvP guide for Druids in Classic WoW! Become the best druid on your server ;)
A true jack of all trades, Druids can do everything well without being great at anything. Such is the burden of “hybrid” classes. It’s especially true in Classic WoWPvP. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play it: being polyvalent is a strength and druids can easily adapt to any situation, giving them the chance to turn around any fight.
Moreover, all of the Druid’s specs are viable in PvP, although most players will turn to the Restoration spec for its HoTs. Add to that good crowd control and excellent mobility that will make other healers jealous. This is why Druids, even as healers, are often a go-to flag carrier in Warsong Gulch. Don’t forget that your specialization will decide the role you’re going to play in any BG.
The Druid’s versatility also gives him a lot of choices in the talent tree, from the classic Feral/Resto to Boomkin or hybrid specs. Don’t be afraid to experiment, try new things and make your own builds. Otherwise, follow the guide!
Druids can pick from a variety of viable specs in PvP.
![]() Improved Wrath/Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.1 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.1 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.2 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.2 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.3 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.4 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.4 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.5 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.5 sec. |
![]() Nature's Grasp/50 mana
1 min cooldown
While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only useable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 sec. While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only useable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 sec. |
![]() Improved Nature's Grasp/Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 15%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 15%. Next level: Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 30%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 30%. Next level: Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 45%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 45%. Next level: Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%. |
![]() Improved Entangling Roots/Gives you a 40% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Gives you a 40% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Next level: Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Next level: Gives you a 100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Gives you a 100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. |
![]() Improved Moonfire/Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 2%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 2%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 4%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 4%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 6%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 6%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 8%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 8%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 10%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 10%. |
![]() Natural Weapons/Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 2%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 2%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 4%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 4%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 6%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 6%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 8%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 8%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 10%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 10%. |
![]() Natural Shapeshifter/Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 10%. Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 10%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 20%. Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 20%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 30%. Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 30%. |
![]() Improved Thorns/Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 25%. Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 25%. Next level: Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 50%. Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 50%. Next level: Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 75%. Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 75%. |
![]() Omen of Clarity/120 Mana
Imbues the Druid with natural energy. Each of the Druid's melee attacks has a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state reduces the Mana, Rage or Energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100%. Lasts 600 sec. Imbues the Druid with natural energy. Each of the Druid's melee attacks has a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state reduces the Mana, Rage or Energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100%. Lasts 600 sec. |
![]() Nature's Reach/Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 10%. Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 10%. Next level: Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 20%. Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 20%. |
![]() Vengeance/Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 20%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 20%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 40%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 40%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 60%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 60%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 80%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 80%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 100%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 100%. |
![]() Improved Starfire/Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.1 sec and has a 3% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.1 sec and has a 3% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.2 sec and has a 6% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.2 sec and has a 6% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.3 sec and has a 9% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.3 sec and has a 9% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.4 sec and has a 12% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.4 sec and has a 12% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.5 sec and has a 15% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.5 sec and has a 15% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. |
![]() Nature's Grace/All spell criticals grace you with a blessing of nature, reducing the casting time of your next spell by 0.5 sec. All spell criticals grace you with a blessing of nature, reducing the casting time of your next spell by 0.5 sec. |
![]() Moonglow/Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 3%. Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 3%. Next level: Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 6%. Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 6%. Next level: Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 9%. Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 9%. |
![]() Moonfury/Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 2%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 2%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 4%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 4%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 6%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 6%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 8%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 8%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 10%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 10%. |
![]() Moonkin Form/35% of base mana
Transforms the Druid into Moonkin Form. While in this form the armor contribution from items is increased by 360% and all party members within 30 yards have their spell critical chance increased by 3%. The Moonkin can only cast Balance spells while shapeshifted. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects. Transforms the Druid into Moonkin Form. While in this form the armor contribution from items is increased by 360% and all party members within 30 yards have their spell critical chance increased by 3%. The Moonkin can only cast Balance spells while shapeshifted. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects. |
![]() Ferocity/Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 1 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 1 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 2 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 2 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 3 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 3 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 4 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 4 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 5 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 5 Rage or Energy. |
![]() Feral Aggression/Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 8% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 3%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 8% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 3%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 16% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 6%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 16% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 6%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 24% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 9%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 24% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 9%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 32% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 12%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 32% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 12%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 40% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 15%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 40% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 15%. |
![]() Feral Instinct/Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 3% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 3% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 6% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 6% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 9% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 9% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 12% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 12% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 15% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 15% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. |
![]() Brutal Impact/Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 0.5 sec. Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 0.5 sec. Next level: Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 1 sec. Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 1 sec. |
![]() Thick Hide/Increases your Armor contribution from items by 2%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 2%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 4%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 4%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 6%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 6%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 8%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 8%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 10%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 10%. |
![]() Feline Swiftness/Increases your movement speed by 15% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 2%. Increases your movement speed by 15% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 2%. Next level: Increases your movement speed by 30% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 4%. Increases your movement speed by 30% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 4%. |
![]() Feral Charge/5 Rage
8 - 25 yd range
15 sec cooldown
Causes you to charge an enemy, immobilizing and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 sec. Causes you to charge an enemy, immobilizing and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 sec. |
![]() Sharpened Claws/Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 2%. Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 2%. Next level: Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 4%. Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 4%. Next level: Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 6%. Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 6%. |
![]() Improved Shred/Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 6. Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 6. Next level: Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 12. Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 12. |
![]() Predatory Strikes/Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 50% of your level. Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 50% of your level. Next level: Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 100% of your level. Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 100% of your level. Next level: Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 150% of your level. Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 150% of your level. |
![]() Blood Frenzy/Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50% chance to add an additional combo point. Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50% chance to add an additional combo point. Next level: Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 100% chance to add an additional combo point. Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 100% chance to add an additional combo point. |
![]() Primal Fury/Gives you a 50% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. Gives you a 50% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. Next level: Gives you a 100% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. Gives you a 100% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. |
![]() Savage Fury/Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 10%. Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 10%. Next level: Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 20%. Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 20%. |
![]() Faerie Fire (Feral)/30 yd range
6 sec cooldown
Decrease the armor of the target by 175 for 40 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. Decrease the armor of the target by 175 for 40 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. |
![]() Heart of the Wild/Increases your Intellect by 4%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 4% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 4%. Increases your Intellect by 4%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 4% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 4%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 8%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 8% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 8%. Increases your Intellect by 8%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 8% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 8%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 12%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 12% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 12%. Increases your Intellect by 12%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 12% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 12%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 16%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 16% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 16%. Increases your Intellect by 16%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 16% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 16%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 20%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 20% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 20%. Increases your Intellect by 20%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 20% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 20%. |
![]() Leader of the Pack/While in Cat, Bear or Dire Bear Form, the Leader of the Pack increases ranged and melee critical chance of all party members within 45 yards by 3%. While in Cat, Bear or Dire Bear Form, the Leader of the Pack increases ranged and melee critical chance of all party members within 45 yards by 3%. |
![]() Improved Mark of the Wild/Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 7%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 7%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 14%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 14%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 21%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 21%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 28%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 28%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 35%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 35%. |
![]() Furor/Gives you 20% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 20% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 40% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 40% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 60% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 60% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 80% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 80% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. |
![]() Improved Healing Touch/Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.1 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.1 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.2 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.2 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.3 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.4 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.4 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.5 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.5 sec. |
![]() Nature's Focus/Gives you a 14% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 14% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 28% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 28% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 42% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 42% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 56% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 56% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. |
![]() Improved Enrage/The Enrage ability now instantly generates 5 Rage. The Enrage ability now instantly generates 5 Rage. Next level: The Enrage ability now instantly generates 10 Rage. The Enrage ability now instantly generates 10 Rage. |
![]() Reflection/Allows 5% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Allows 5% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Next level: Allows 10% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Allows 10% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Next level: Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. |
![]() Insect Swarm/45 Mana
30 yd range
The enemy target is swarmed by insects, decreasing their chance to hit by 2% and causing 66 Nature damage over 12 sec. The enemy target is swarmed by insects, decreasing their chance to hit by 2% and causing 66 Nature damage over 12 sec. |
![]() Subtlety/Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 4%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 4%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 8%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 8%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 12%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 12%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 16%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 16%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 20%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 20%. |
![]() Tranquil Spirit/Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 2%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 2%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 4%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 4%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 6%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 6%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 8%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 8%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 10%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 10%. |
![]() Improved Rejuvenation/Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 5%. Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 5%. Next level: Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 10%. Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 10%. Next level: Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 15%. Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 15%. |
![]() Nature's Swiftness/Instant
3 min cooldown
When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell. When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell. |
![]() Gift of Nature/Increases the effect of all healing spells by 2%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 2%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 4%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 4%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 6%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 6%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 8%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 8%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 10%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 10%. |
![]() Improved Tranquility/Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 50%. Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 50%. Next level: Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 100%. Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 100%. |
![]() Improved Regrowth/Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 10%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 10%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 20%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 20%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 30%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 30%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 40%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 40%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%. |
![]() Swiftmend/20% of base mana
40 yd range
15 sec. cooldown
Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect on a friendly target to instantly heal them an amount equal to 12 sec. of Rejuvenation or 18 sec. of Regrowth. Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect on a friendly target to instantly heal them an amount equal to 12 sec. of Rejuvenation or 18 sec. of Regrowth. |
Regardless of their specialization, Druids are a hybrid class, necessarily versatile : sometimes a tank, sometimes a healer, sometimes a DPS. The 7/13/31 spec is the jack of all trade thanks to talents such as Emprise de la nature or Charge farouche. Both crowd control specs are easy to reach without making your healing output worse thanks to Rapidité de la nature or Prompteguérison, allowing you to get an ally out of trouble.
After those 4 talents, the rest of the talent points can be allocated wherever you want. Since we’re nice here at WoWIsClassic, we’ll recommend you follow the above build in order to maximize your healing potential and allow you to get out of trouble with grace and elegance.
![]() Improved Wrath/Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.1 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.1 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.2 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.2 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.3 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.4 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.4 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.5 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.5 sec. |
![]() Nature's Grasp/50 mana
1 min cooldown
While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only useable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 sec. While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only useable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 sec. |
![]() Improved Nature's Grasp/Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 15%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 15%. Next level: Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 30%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 30%. Next level: Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 45%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 45%. Next level: Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%. |
![]() Improved Entangling Roots/Gives you a 40% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Gives you a 40% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Next level: Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Next level: Gives you a 100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Gives you a 100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. |
![]() Improved Moonfire/Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 2%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 2%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 4%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 4%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 6%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 6%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 8%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 8%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 10%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 10%. |
![]() Natural Weapons/Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 2%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 2%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 4%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 4%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 6%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 6%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 8%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 8%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 10%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 10%. |
![]() Natural Shapeshifter/Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 10%. Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 10%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 20%. Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 20%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 30%. Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 30%. |
![]() Improved Thorns/Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 25%. Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 25%. Next level: Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 50%. Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 50%. Next level: Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 75%. Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 75%. |
![]() Omen of Clarity/120 Mana
Imbues the Druid with natural energy. Each of the Druid's melee attacks has a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state reduces the Mana, Rage or Energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100%. Lasts 600 sec. Imbues the Druid with natural energy. Each of the Druid's melee attacks has a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state reduces the Mana, Rage or Energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100%. Lasts 600 sec. |
![]() Nature's Reach/Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 10%. Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 10%. Next level: Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 20%. Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 20%. |
![]() Vengeance/Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 20%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 20%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 40%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 40%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 60%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 60%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 80%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 80%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 100%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 100%. |
![]() Improved Starfire/Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.1 sec and has a 3% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.1 sec and has a 3% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.2 sec and has a 6% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.2 sec and has a 6% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.3 sec and has a 9% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.3 sec and has a 9% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.4 sec and has a 12% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.4 sec and has a 12% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.5 sec and has a 15% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.5 sec and has a 15% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. |
![]() Nature's Grace/All spell criticals grace you with a blessing of nature, reducing the casting time of your next spell by 0.5 sec. All spell criticals grace you with a blessing of nature, reducing the casting time of your next spell by 0.5 sec. |
![]() Moonglow/Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 3%. Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 3%. Next level: Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 6%. Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 6%. Next level: Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 9%. Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 9%. |
![]() Moonfury/Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 2%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 2%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 4%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 4%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 6%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 6%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 8%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 8%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 10%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 10%. |
![]() Moonkin Form/35% of base mana
Transforms the Druid into Moonkin Form. While in this form the armor contribution from items is increased by 360% and all party members within 30 yards have their spell critical chance increased by 3%. The Moonkin can only cast Balance spells while shapeshifted. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects. Transforms the Druid into Moonkin Form. While in this form the armor contribution from items is increased by 360% and all party members within 30 yards have their spell critical chance increased by 3%. The Moonkin can only cast Balance spells while shapeshifted. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects. |
![]() Ferocity/Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 1 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 1 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 2 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 2 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 3 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 3 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 4 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 4 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 5 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 5 Rage or Energy. |
![]() Feral Aggression/Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 8% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 3%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 8% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 3%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 16% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 6%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 16% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 6%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 24% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 9%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 24% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 9%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 32% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 12%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 32% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 12%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 40% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 15%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 40% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 15%. |
![]() Feral Instinct/Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 3% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 3% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 6% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 6% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 9% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 9% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 12% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 12% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 15% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 15% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. |
![]() Brutal Impact/Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 0.5 sec. Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 0.5 sec. Next level: Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 1 sec. Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 1 sec. |
![]() Thick Hide/Increases your Armor contribution from items by 2%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 2%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 4%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 4%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 6%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 6%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 8%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 8%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 10%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 10%. |
![]() Feline Swiftness/Increases your movement speed by 15% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 2%. Increases your movement speed by 15% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 2%. Next level: Increases your movement speed by 30% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 4%. Increases your movement speed by 30% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 4%. |
![]() Feral Charge/5 Rage
8 - 25 yd range
15 sec cooldown
Causes you to charge an enemy, immobilizing and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 sec. Causes you to charge an enemy, immobilizing and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 sec. |
![]() Sharpened Claws/Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 2%. Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 2%. Next level: Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 4%. Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 4%. Next level: Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 6%. Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 6%. |
![]() Improved Shred/Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 6. Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 6. Next level: Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 12. Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 12. |
![]() Predatory Strikes/Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 50% of your level. Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 50% of your level. Next level: Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 100% of your level. Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 100% of your level. Next level: Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 150% of your level. Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 150% of your level. |
![]() Blood Frenzy/Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50% chance to add an additional combo point. Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50% chance to add an additional combo point. Next level: Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 100% chance to add an additional combo point. Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 100% chance to add an additional combo point. |
![]() Primal Fury/Gives you a 50% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. Gives you a 50% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. Next level: Gives you a 100% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. Gives you a 100% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. |
![]() Savage Fury/Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 10%. Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 10%. Next level: Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 20%. Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 20%. |
![]() Faerie Fire (Feral)/30 yd range
6 sec cooldown
Decrease the armor of the target by 175 for 40 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. Decrease the armor of the target by 175 for 40 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. |
![]() Heart of the Wild/Increases your Intellect by 4%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 4% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 4%. Increases your Intellect by 4%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 4% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 4%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 8%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 8% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 8%. Increases your Intellect by 8%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 8% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 8%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 12%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 12% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 12%. Increases your Intellect by 12%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 12% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 12%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 16%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 16% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 16%. Increases your Intellect by 16%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 16% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 16%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 20%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 20% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 20%. Increases your Intellect by 20%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 20% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 20%. |
![]() Leader of the Pack/While in Cat, Bear or Dire Bear Form, the Leader of the Pack increases ranged and melee critical chance of all party members within 45 yards by 3%. While in Cat, Bear or Dire Bear Form, the Leader of the Pack increases ranged and melee critical chance of all party members within 45 yards by 3%. |
![]() Improved Mark of the Wild/Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 7%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 7%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 14%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 14%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 21%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 21%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 28%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 28%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 35%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 35%. |
![]() Furor/Gives you 20% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 20% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 40% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 40% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 60% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 60% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 80% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 80% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. |
![]() Improved Healing Touch/Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.1 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.1 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.2 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.2 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.3 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.4 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.4 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.5 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.5 sec. |
![]() Nature's Focus/Gives you a 14% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 14% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 28% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 28% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 42% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 42% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 56% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 56% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. |
![]() Improved Enrage/The Enrage ability now instantly generates 5 Rage. The Enrage ability now instantly generates 5 Rage. Next level: The Enrage ability now instantly generates 10 Rage. The Enrage ability now instantly generates 10 Rage. |
![]() Reflection/Allows 5% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Allows 5% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Next level: Allows 10% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Allows 10% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Next level: Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. |
![]() Insect Swarm/45 Mana
30 yd range
The enemy target is swarmed by insects, decreasing their chance to hit by 2% and causing 66 Nature damage over 12 sec. The enemy target is swarmed by insects, decreasing their chance to hit by 2% and causing 66 Nature damage over 12 sec. |
![]() Subtlety/Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 4%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 4%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 8%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 8%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 12%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 12%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 16%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 16%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 20%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 20%. |
![]() Tranquil Spirit/Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 2%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 2%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 4%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 4%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 6%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 6%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 8%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 8%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 10%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 10%. |
![]() Improved Rejuvenation/Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 5%. Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 5%. Next level: Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 10%. Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 10%. Next level: Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 15%. Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 15%. |
![]() Nature's Swiftness/Instant
3 min cooldown
When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell. When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell. |
![]() Gift of Nature/Increases the effect of all healing spells by 2%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 2%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 4%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 4%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 6%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 6%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 8%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 8%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 10%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 10%. |
![]() Improved Tranquility/Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 50%. Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 50%. Next level: Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 100%. Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 100%. |
![]() Improved Regrowth/Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 10%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 10%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 20%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 20%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 30%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 30%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 40%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 40%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%. |
![]() Swiftmend/20% of base mana
40 yd range
15 sec. cooldown
Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect on a friendly target to instantly heal them an amount equal to 12 sec. of Rejuvenation or 18 sec. of Regrowth. Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect on a friendly target to instantly heal them an amount equal to 12 sec. of Rejuvenation or 18 sec. of Regrowth. |
If you love animals and you dream of becoming a cat or a bear, this build is for you! You’re still versatile and it’s one of the most powerful PvP Druid builds thanks to 3 talents: Emprise de la nature, Cœur de fauve and Rapidité de la nature. In addition to the crowd control and panic button, the 29 points in the Feral tree will make your animal forms extremely powerful, allowing you to deal serious damage.
Despite being mainly a DPS spec, the Heart of the Wild spec also lets you heal and use spells such as Eclatlunaire, Essaimd'insectes, Colère and quickly switch between Forme de félin and Formed’ours to deal damage.Thisbuildallowsyou to do everythingwell.
![]() Improved Wrath/Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.1 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.1 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.2 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.2 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.3 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.4 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.4 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.5 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Wrath spell by 0.5 sec. |
![]() Nature's Grasp/50 mana
1 min cooldown
While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only useable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 sec. While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only useable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 sec. |
![]() Improved Nature's Grasp/Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 15%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 15%. Next level: Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 30%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 30%. Next level: Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 45%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 45%. Next level: Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%. Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%. |
![]() Improved Entangling Roots/Gives you a 40% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Gives you a 40% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Next level: Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Next level: Gives you a 100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. Gives you a 100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots. |
![]() Improved Moonfire/Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 2%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 2%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 4%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 4%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 6%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 6%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 8%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 8%. Next level: Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 10%. Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 10%. |
![]() Natural Weapons/Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 2%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 2%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 4%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 4%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 6%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 6%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 8%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 8%. Next level: Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 10%. Increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 10%. |
![]() Natural Shapeshifter/Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 10%. Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 10%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 20%. Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 20%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 30%. Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 30%. |
![]() Improved Thorns/Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 25%. Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 25%. Next level: Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 50%. Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 50%. Next level: Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 75%. Increases damage caused by your Thorns spell by 75%. |
![]() Omen of Clarity/120 Mana
Imbues the Druid with natural energy. Each of the Druid's melee attacks has a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state reduces the Mana, Rage or Energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100%. Lasts 600 sec. Imbues the Druid with natural energy. Each of the Druid's melee attacks has a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state reduces the Mana, Rage or Energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100%. Lasts 600 sec. |
![]() Nature's Reach/Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 10%. Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 10%. Next level: Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 20%. Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire, and Hurricane spells by 20%. |
![]() Vengeance/Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 20%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 20%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 40%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 40%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 60%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 60%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 80%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 80%. Next level: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 100%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 100%. |
![]() Improved Starfire/Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.1 sec and has a 3% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.1 sec and has a 3% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.2 sec and has a 6% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.2 sec and has a 6% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.3 sec and has a 9% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.3 sec and has a 9% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.4 sec and has a 12% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.4 sec and has a 12% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.5 sec and has a 15% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. Reduces the cast time of Starfire by 0.5 sec and has a 15% chance to stun the target for 3 sec. |
![]() Nature's Grace/All spell criticals grace you with a blessing of nature, reducing the casting time of your next spell by 0.5 sec. All spell criticals grace you with a blessing of nature, reducing the casting time of your next spell by 0.5 sec. |
![]() Moonglow/Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 3%. Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 3%. Next level: Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 6%. Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 6%. Next level: Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 9%. Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 9%. |
![]() Moonfury/Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 2%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 2%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 4%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 4%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 6%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 6%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 8%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 8%. Next level: Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 10%. Increases the damage done by your Starfire, Moonfire and Wrath spells by 10%. |
![]() Moonkin Form/35% of base mana
Transforms the Druid into Moonkin Form. While in this form the armor contribution from items is increased by 360% and all party members within 30 yards have their spell critical chance increased by 3%. The Moonkin can only cast Balance spells while shapeshifted. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects. Transforms the Druid into Moonkin Form. While in this form the armor contribution from items is increased by 360% and all party members within 30 yards have their spell critical chance increased by 3%. The Moonkin can only cast Balance spells while shapeshifted. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects. |
![]() Ferocity/Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 1 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 1 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 2 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 2 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 3 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 3 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 4 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 4 Rage or Energy. Next level: Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 5 Rage or Energy. Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 5 Rage or Energy. |
![]() Feral Aggression/Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 8% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 3%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 8% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 3%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 16% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 6%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 16% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 6%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 24% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 9%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 24% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 9%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 32% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 12%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 32% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 12%. Next level: Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 40% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 15%. Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 40% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 15%. |
![]() Feral Instinct/Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 3% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 3% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 6% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 6% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 9% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 9% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 12% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 12% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Next level: Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 15% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by 15% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling. |
![]() Brutal Impact/Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 0.5 sec. Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 0.5 sec. Next level: Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 1 sec. Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 1 sec. |
![]() Thick Hide/Increases your Armor contribution from items by 2%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 2%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 4%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 4%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 6%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 6%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 8%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 8%. Next level: Increases your Armor contribution from items by 10%. Increases your Armor contribution from items by 10%. |
![]() Feline Swiftness/Increases your movement speed by 15% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 2%. Increases your movement speed by 15% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 2%. Next level: Increases your movement speed by 30% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 4%. Increases your movement speed by 30% while outdoors in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form by 4%. |
![]() Feral Charge/5 Rage
8 - 25 yd range
15 sec cooldown
Causes you to charge an enemy, immobilizing and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 sec. Causes you to charge an enemy, immobilizing and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 sec. |
![]() Sharpened Claws/Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 2%. Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 2%. Next level: Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 4%. Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 4%. Next level: Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 6%. Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by 6%. |
![]() Improved Shred/Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 6. Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 6. Next level: Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 12. Reduces the Energy cost of your Shred ability by 12. |
![]() Predatory Strikes/Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 50% of your level. Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 50% of your level. Next level: Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 100% of your level. Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 100% of your level. Next level: Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 150% of your level. Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear and Dire Bear Forms by 150% of your level. |
![]() Blood Frenzy/Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50% chance to add an additional combo point. Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50% chance to add an additional combo point. Next level: Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 100% chance to add an additional combo point. Your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 100% chance to add an additional combo point. |
![]() Primal Fury/Gives you a 50% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. Gives you a 50% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. Next level: Gives you a 100% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. Gives you a 100% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form. |
![]() Savage Fury/Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 10%. Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 10%. Next level: Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 20%. Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Maul and Swipe abilities by 20%. |
![]() Faerie Fire (Feral)/30 yd range
6 sec cooldown
Decrease the armor of the target by 175 for 40 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. Decrease the armor of the target by 175 for 40 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. |
![]() Heart of the Wild/Increases your Intellect by 4%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 4% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 4%. Increases your Intellect by 4%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 4% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 4%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 8%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 8% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 8%. Increases your Intellect by 8%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 8% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 8%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 12%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 12% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 12%. Increases your Intellect by 12%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 12% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 12%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 16%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 16% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 16%. Increases your Intellect by 16%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 16% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 16%. Next level: Increases your Intellect by 20%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 20% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 20%. Increases your Intellect by 20%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by 20% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by 20%. |
![]() Leader of the Pack/While in Cat, Bear or Dire Bear Form, the Leader of the Pack increases ranged and melee critical chance of all party members within 45 yards by 3%. While in Cat, Bear or Dire Bear Form, the Leader of the Pack increases ranged and melee critical chance of all party members within 45 yards by 3%. |
![]() Improved Mark of the Wild/Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 7%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 7%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 14%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 14%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 21%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 21%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 28%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 28%. Next level: Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 35%. Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells by 35%. |
![]() Furor/Gives you 20% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 20% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 40% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 40% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 60% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 60% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 80% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 80% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Next level: Gives you 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. Gives you 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. |
![]() Improved Healing Touch/Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.1 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.1 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.2 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.2 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.3 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.3 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.4 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.4 sec. Next level: Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.5 sec. Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.5 sec. |
![]() Nature's Focus/Gives you a 14% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 14% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 28% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 28% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 42% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 42% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 56% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 56% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Next level: Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch, Regrowth and Tranquility spells. |
![]() Improved Enrage/The Enrage ability now instantly generates 5 Rage. The Enrage ability now instantly generates 5 Rage. Next level: The Enrage ability now instantly generates 10 Rage. The Enrage ability now instantly generates 10 Rage. |
![]() Reflection/Allows 5% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Allows 5% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Next level: Allows 10% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Allows 10% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Next level: Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. |
![]() Insect Swarm/45 Mana
30 yd range
The enemy target is swarmed by insects, decreasing their chance to hit by 2% and causing 66 Nature damage over 12 sec. The enemy target is swarmed by insects, decreasing their chance to hit by 2% and causing 66 Nature damage over 12 sec. |
![]() Subtlety/Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 4%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 4%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 8%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 8%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 12%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 12%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 16%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 16%. Next level: Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 20%. Reduces the threat generated by your Healing spells by 20%. |
![]() Tranquil Spirit/Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 2%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 2%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 4%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 4%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 6%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 6%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 8%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 8%. Next level: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 10%. Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 10%. |
![]() Improved Rejuvenation/Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 5%. Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 5%. Next level: Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 10%. Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 10%. Next level: Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 15%. Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 15%. |
![]() Nature's Swiftness/Instant
3 min cooldown
When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell. When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell. |
![]() Gift of Nature/Increases the effect of all healing spells by 2%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 2%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 4%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 4%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 6%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 6%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 8%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 8%. Next level: Increases the effect of all healing spells by 10%. Increases the effect of all healing spells by 10%. |
![]() Improved Tranquility/Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 50%. Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 50%. Next level: Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 100%. Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 100%. |
![]() Improved Regrowth/Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 10%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 10%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 20%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 20%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 30%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 30%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 40%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 40%. Next level: Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%. |
![]() Swiftmend/20% of base mana
40 yd range
15 sec. cooldown
Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect on a friendly target to instantly heal them an amount equal to 12 sec. of Rejuvenation or 18 sec. of Regrowth. Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect on a friendly target to instantly heal them an amount equal to 12 sec. of Rejuvenation or 18 sec. of Regrowth. |
If yourroleisdealingheavymelee damage, Feralis the way to go. Using Formed’oursredoutable or Forme de félin allows you to switch from tank to DPS and to deal solid damage with Lambeau, Griffure and Déchirure.
Feral Druids’ gameplay in PvP is close to PvE’s. You start fights stealthed and use Traquenard to stun a target, apply bleeds and continue dealing damage with Mutiler and autoattacks. This spec is also excellent against kiting: changing forms removes any root or slow, and you also have Charge farouche and Célérité.
You can heal yourself, (although not very well) to last longer in fights. You don’t have any big instant heal but still have enough to top yourself up after a bad trade. Keep in mind that mana is a limited resource and changing forms costs a lot of it! If you don’t have much mana don’t expect being able to heal yourself too often. Keep in mind that you’re also an easy prey while in humanoid form.
There are a few differences in PvPcompared to PvEstats, although those will allow you to increase your damage or survivability. Let’s take a look at the main differences:
5% Hit Cap
You only need 5% bonus hit chance in PvP to guarantee your attacks will hit against level 60 players.
In PvP, having a large Health pool means having a better survivability. If your goal is to get good ranks, you will need to get a lot of Stamina, notably via PvP armor sets.
Potions and consumables shouldn’t be used in duel because they’re not Fair Play. They’re very powerful items that can easily turn the tide of any fight. Before any duel, talk to your opponent and decide on a rule for consumables. If you cheat you’ll end up with a bad reputation.
Although they’re the nemesis of many classes, Rogues must adapt their strategies to defeat their enemies without endangering themselves. There’s no « typical » solution or rotation for Rogues, it entirely depends on who you’re facing.
Warriors will make you sweat but you can deal with them fairly easily with Formed’oursredoutable thanks to its massive armor and Health gain. Don’t try to stay in melee, start by kiting them with Sarments and Emprise de la nature, Eclatlunaire and Essaimd'insectes. If you’re in trouble, throw in a Récupération then resume the fight. Just be careful not to get attacked when in humanoid form: the Warrior’s Interception could be a big problem.
As with most classes, engineering gives you a significant advantage when fighting a Warrior. Using items such as Grenade en fer or Lance-filet automatique gnome to stun or root the Warrior will help you keep a handle on the fight. Other items can also help such as Charme des flots.
Against Hunters you will want to close the distance and stay in their dead zone (between 3 and 6m). Be aware of the CD of Flèche de dispersion and Piègegivrant : they will use this combo to gain some distance to damage you. To ensure victory, figure out the Hunter’s spec because if he’s Beast Mastery he will have an additional crowd control that can turn the tide of the fight.
One of your core abilities to deal with your opponents is Charge farouche which allows you to close the distance with the Hunter. If you get hit by a trap, go into bear form to gain Health and armor and not take too much damage.Beyond that, keep Eclatlunaire and Essaimd'insectes on the Hunter and don’t forget his pet: you can kill it or control it with Hibernation. Careful if you attack the Hunter in animal form: he can Fear you
Warlocks are tough opponents because of their many dots: Corruption, Malédictiond'agonie and Immolate, but also instant burst spells such as Brûlure de l'ombre and Conflagration. Theyalso have severalcrowd control spells. Morevoer, you also need to deal with their summoned demon, notably the Succubus and her Séduction. As a Druid you will need to whittle them down with Eclatlunaire and Essaimd'insectes, and like against most casters, use Charge farouche and Sonner at the right times to interrupt dangerous spells such as Peur and give you a chance to heal yourself.
Like most mirror matchups in Classic WoW, the result of this duel will be mainly down to your equipment and your opponent’s, but also how reactive you are. Tip: If they start the fight in animal form, don’t forget that you can use Hibernation and follow up with Feustellaire. Don’t forget the opponent can also do that, so use Sonner and Charge farouche properly.
As with most classes, engineering gives you a significant advantage when fighting another Druid. Items such as Grenade en fer or Heaume-fuséegobelin will help you control the enemy druid and make a big difference. Other items such as Charme des flots can also help.
Rogues have a whole arsenal to control their opponents, notably Cécité, and can destroy you quickly if they take you by surprise withPréparation. Luckily, Druids can decurse their poisons (including blinds) with Abolir le poison. Better than a decurse, this spell works for a duration, allowing you to regularly heal from his attacks while remaining in animal form.
Your goal is straightfoward : avoid getting stunlocked by Coup bas and Aiguillonperfide, else you will end up saying /hi to the Soulkeeper, and counter him with. Lucioles will prevent the Rogue from becoming invisible, and try keeping Eclatlunaire and Essaimd'insectes active on your target throughout the fight.Don’t forget to control the rogue with Sarments and/or Emprise de la nature to give you some breathing room and heal yourself.Changing forms will be your best asset against Mages, nullifying the effects of spells such as Nova de givre or Morsure de givre, but also making you immune to Métamorphose in animal form. Despite that, Mages are still a difficult target because they can use Transfert to get out of stuns and Bloc de glace to delay and get out of difficult situations. Your goal is to find the right time to interrupt their casting with Charge farouche.
As with most classes, engineering gives you a significant advantage when fighting a Mage.Using items suchas Grenade en ferorHeaume-fusée gobelin will help you control the Mage and canbe the differencebetweenvictory and death. Engineering also allows you to use two trinkets that can reflect spells: Réflectoglacegyrogivre or Réflectoflamme hyper-radiant.
Paladins have many abilities with long cooldowns that can will cripple them if they’re forced to use them too early. The most annoying combo being Bénédiction de protection and Holy Light, but be also aware of his Imposition des mains and Bouclierdivin. This matchup is likely to turn into a battle of attrition where whoever has to waste too many resources will lose. Unlike most melee specs, Paladins deal a lot of spell damage so your Formed’oursredoutable won’t be as effective as usual. However, since they don’t have any ability beyond Hammer of Justice to close the distance, you can try kiting them and damaging them with Eclatlunaire and Essaimd'insectes.
against priests can be awkward because they can dispell your buffs with Dissipation de la magie
and make you flee with Cri psychique, which has a fairly low
cooldown. If you’re fighting a Shadow Priest, be aware of their random crowd
controls with Blackout and of Silence. You will need to make decisions quickly:
it’s hard to survive against Shadow Priests because of their powerful toolkit. Try
to interrupt as many Attaquementale as
possible with Charge farouche and Sonner.
like Priests, can dispell your HoTs with Expiation. Shamans can also deal massive
damage even with low spellpower. The most dangerous combo is Chaîned'éclairs + Rapidité de la nature + Eclair followed by Horion de terre. They
can also deal consistent damage with shocks that have a very low cooldown. Between Expiation and Horion
de terre,
healingyourselfwillbe a problem. Charge farouche to
interrupt Lightning Bolts and Chain Lightning and keep running around the
Shaman to be in his back when he finishes his casts.
Thanks to every contributor and the following sources for helping to create this guide: Marcovitch (multi glad warrior), Wowisclassic guild member, Gossusha, Wowisclassic contributor.
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