Classic WoW is announced! Release date !

Classic WoW is finally announced! Check the best news of the year!

Classic WoW is announced! Release date

Posté le 14/05/2019 by Kipik_WiC

Here is the long-awaited moment, if like many, you have waited for the announcement to book your summer holidays,

WoW Classic is officially announced and the release date is scheduled for August 27, 2019.

wow classic release date
On August 27th, Phase 1 content will unlock, including Molten Core, Onyxia, and launch dungeons. However, we won’t know the release dates for Phase 2 through 6 before the launch of WoW Classic—and when they are revealed, it will be one-by-one, based on the community’s interest and readiness for the next patch.

Are you ready?? Check out our guides!

So, are you really ready to get started for Classic WoW? Check out all our guides to help you kicking ass!

wow classic date sortie

Source: Site Blizzard

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About author: Kipik_WiC
Kipik_WiC’s avatar
Co-fondateur de Wowisclassic - Rédacteur de guides et de news. Son dicton : Ki s'y frotte s'y Pik 🤠


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