Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley will open in WoW Classic on all realms the week of December 10

Blizzard has been following the deadly deeds of the Classic community closely over the last week as the Honor system sparked an impressive amount of World PvP on PvP realms: they decided to open Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley earlier!

Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley will open in WoW Classic on all realms the week of December 10

Posté le 20/11/2019 by Nicou

Good news for PvP players, Christmas arrives earlier!
Indeed, with Classic's Phase 2 and the PvP Honor system launched not long ago on all Realms, Blizzard were surprised at the impressive amount of fights in Azeroth.

They decided to reward us with a little gift: the Alterac Valley & Warsong Gulch were detached from the Phase 3, and will open in WoW Classic simultaneously on all realms the week of December 10.

Kaivax, Community Manager, announces the good news:

Post officiel Traduit (Source forum Blizzard)

Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley will open in WoW Classic simultaneously on all realms the week of December 10. At the same time, Elemental Invasions will occur in Kalimdor, with Blazing, Thundering, Watery, and Whirling Invaders appearing in Un’goro Crater, Azshara, Winterspring, and Silithus respectively.

We’ve been following the deadly deeds of the Classic community closely over the last week as the Honor system sparked an impressive amount of World PvP on PvP realms, and we’re excited to see what might transpire over the next three weeks. Nonetheless, like many of you, we can’t wait to charge into some battlegrounds, so we’ve detached this content unlock from the plan we previously announced. Blackwing Lair and Darkmoon Faire are coming in early 2020.

We’ll have an exact timestamp for this content unlock to share with you in early December.

See you there!

Source : Blizzard

Do you rather look forward to joining the Battlefields, or rather fighting the elementals in Kalimdor?

One thing's for sure at WiC HQ: see you soon in Alterac: For the Horde! ;)

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About author: Nicou
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Contributeur fan de WoW Classic 🔥 Freelance Community Manager ✨Leader de la Communauté Remlok ⚗️ Communautés, Sciences, Roleplay ☀️ Partenaire Twitch