News & Guides for Classic WoW

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Limit of 30 Instances Per Day Added in WoW Classic
17 jun 2020
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Limit of 30 Instances Per Day Added in WoW Classic

Blizzard has announced a new limit has been added to WoW Classic of 30 instances per day which is in addition to the previous 5 instances per hour cap.

Wow Classic PTR Phase 5
15 jun 2020
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Wow Classic PTR Phase 5

Blizzard has posted the notes for the latest WoW Classic PTR, including Ahn'QIraj and the Scepter event open for testing, improvements to the threat API, and the ability to earn additional bag slots when attaching an authenticator.

Summer Bowl Wow Classic
10 jun 2020
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Blizzard Announces the Classic Wow Summer Bowl PvP Tournament

Blizzard has released a blue post talking about the first official PvP tournament in Classic WoW - the Summer Bowl. The Summer Bowl is a 10v10 Warsong Gulch tournament beginning on June 17

Upcoming Hotfixes to Black Lotus Spawn Rate and Warsong Gulch Exploits
29 may 2020
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Upcoming Hotfixes to Black Lotus Spawn Rate and Warsong Gulch Exploits

Blizzard has announced several upcoming hotfixes for WoW Classic, focused on improving the spawn rate of Black Lotus and hindering WSG exploits.

Wargames in Classic WoW
13 may 2020
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Wargames in Classic WoW

In a recent player discovery by Twitch streamer yesmasterx, Classic WoW fully supports wargames in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and even Alterac Valley.

Layering back to reduce queues?!
18 apr 2020
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Layering is back !

To address the longest queues on some WoW Classic realms, we’ve just implemented layering and character creation restrictions

Layering back to reduce queues?!
14 apr 2020
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Layering back to reduce queues?!

With some WoW Classic realms experiencing hour long queues, Blizzard is looking for feedback. They're asking if players would want to have layering re-enabled on these high population servers to add a second layer to these servers to shorten the queue.

La phase 4 de Wow Classic annoncée pour le 15/04/2020
07 apr 2020
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Classic Wow Phase 4 announced for 15/04/2020

The next WoW Classic content phase, featuring Zul'Gurub and the Dragons of Nightmare, unlocks 3pm Pacific on April 15th.

Battleground holidays and realm adjustments - WoW Classic
10 mar 2020
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Battleground holidays and realm adjustments - WoW Classic

Blizzard has revealed the Battleground Holiday schedule in WoW Classic--Warsong Gulch will be first up on March 13th.

Jeton Wow Classic
28 feb 2020
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WoW Token Added to WoW Classic in China

Blizzard has announced that the WoW Token is coming to WoW Classic in China; players will be able to exchange gold for game time.